What makes you want to sing? How does singing make you feel?
Every individual and every voice is unique, which means we all experience singing slightly differently.
In the same way, our sensations and what we observe physically in our bodies can differ widely. The pictures, metaphors and ideas that we use to talk about our vocal sound and how we produce it also vary from one person to the next.
However, anatomically speaking, every voice works in the same way: we all have a set of lungs, a larynx and a resonating cavity.
As a singing teacher, I will work with you to find shared language to discover and develop your voice.
Through technical exercises, the choice of suitable repertoire, and musical interpretation, you will continue to discover more about your voice and develop different ways to express yourself through singing.
We all put on our trousers one leg at a time…but I’ll gladly help you find the pair that suits you the best!
Whatever it is that’s led you to my website, whether you’re looking for help to prepare for an audition, want to improve your technique, or just want to have fun making music – I can help you.
Give me a call to arrange a lesson – no strings attached!